Making healthier choices easier

We are working hard to help you make healthier choices without compromising on taste

We know that people are trying to eat more healthily, but they find it hard to do so. At the same time they are – quite rightly - demanding more from companies like ours.

We’ve always tried to do what’s right by the nation’s health but times change, so we’ve been listening and acting.

We’ve been acting in three important ways:

1. Reducing sugar and salt

  • We’ve reduced salt in our foods by almost 60% since 1999

  • We took sugar down in Special K and reduced sugar in Bran Flakes by 30% in 2015

  • As part of a major overhaul of our cereals announced in 2017, we took sugar down in Coco Pops by 40%. You can see what the BBC said about this here

  • We’ve also stopped making and selling high sugar Ricicles

2. Adding vitamins and minerals

  • In the 1970s we were the first to add folic acid to cereals.

  • We added vitamin D into all our cereals aimed at children in 2011. People in Britain are known to be deficient in vitamin D and a serving (30g) provides you with 50% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin D. You can find out more about vitamin D and what it does here

  • Many of our cereals have other added vitamins and minerals too, like iron and B vitamins

3. Getting clear on labelling

  • From January 2019, Kellogg’s cereals sold in the UK will have new red, amber and green colour coded front of pack nutrition labelling on them, commonly called traffic light labels

  • Traffic light labels help people judge the amount of fat, salt, saturated fat and sugar there is in food and, therefore, whether this is something they want to buy or not. You can find out more about labelling and how to read a traffic light label here